Thumbnail image for The Difference between DELETE, TRUNCATE and DROP

The Difference between DELETE, TRUNCATE and DROP

DELETE, TRUNCATE and DROP – all three commands get rid of table data. How exactly are they different? When should you use which?

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Nth Highest Salary in Oracle

“How can I select the Nth highest salary of the EMP table?” The answer to the problem of finding the Nth highest salary. You can extend this logic to find the Nth highest row of any table.

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How to Validate Email Address in SQL

In applications that take user email id as input, there is a need to check for email id validity. Here is a an way to validate email address, using regular expressions in Oracle SQL.

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Regular Expressions in Oracle

Regular Expressions in Oracle Made Easy

A regular expression (also called regex or regexp for short) is a sequence of characters that describes a pattern in text. Tips and examples about how to regular expression in SQL

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There is a time and place for using exception handlers in Oracle PL/SQL, but you must be extra-wary of the handler WHEN OTHERS THEN NULL. Here’s why.

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6 Reasons Why You Should Use PL/SQL Packages

When stored procedures/functions can exist standalone, why have packages at all? This article tells you the benefits of using PL/SQL packages.

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Which objects depend on a given table?

A database table usually has other objects referring to it — tables linked through foreign keys, stored procedures referring to it, views created on it. This is how you can find out which objects refer to this table.

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RETURNING the value of an auto-increment column

How to use the RETURNING clause to identify the value assigned to an auto-increment column during a particular INSERT. You might use this information for further transactions in related tables or for auditing.

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Auto-Increment Columns: FAQ

Auto-increment columns indatabase tables help to maintain uniqueness and track recency. Answers to frequently asked questions about auto-increment columns.

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How to Find Out Your Oracle Database Name

Oracle gives you easy ways to find out your Oracle database name from inside a SQL*Plus session. Here are three ways: using V$DATABASE, GLOBAL_NAME, and DBMS_UTILITY.GET_PARAMETER_VALUE.

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