
Oracle errors raised either implicitly or explicitly by PL/SQL programs.

UTL_HTTP to Call a Web Service from PL/SQL

UTL_HTTP to Call a Web Service from PL/SQL

You can call a web service from PL/SQL using the Oracle-supplied package UTL_HTTP. This article demos a PL/SQL script to invoke a web service and read its response into a CLOB. It also describes typical errors you may encounter in web service calls and how to resolve them.

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UTL_FILE: Write to file example in PL/SQL

UTL_FILE: Write To File Example and Debugging Common Errors

Example of using UTL_FILE in PL/SQL to write to a file. Plus, ORA errors and solutions to common problems faced with UTL_FILE.

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Thumbnail image for The Curious Case of The Missing ORA-00904

The Curious Case of The Missing ORA-00904

What’s worse than an error that shows up when you don’t expect it? An error that does NOT show up when you totally expect it. Witness “ORA-00904: invalid identifier” playing truant.

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Thumbnail image for Referencing User Defined Types over DBLink: Problem and Alternatives

Referencing User Defined Types over DBLink: Problem and Alternatives

Understanding PLS-00453, the error that shows up when a UDT is used as a procedure parameter across DBLink, Plus a few ways to work around it.

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Thumbnail image for ORA-55610: Invalid DDL statement on history-tracked table

ORA-55610: Invalid DDL statement on history-tracked table

If Oracle Total Recall is enabled on a table and want to truncate or drop the table, you are in for a problem: error “ORA-55610: Invalid DDL statement on history-tracked table”. How to work around this error.

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How to Perform MULTISET Operations on Nested Table of Objects

PL/SQL with MULTISET operations on nested table of objects throws up the error ‘PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments…’. This workaround lets you use MULTISET operations successfully with complex types.

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Thumbnail image for ORA-02449: Solving the DROP TABLE Dilemma

ORA-02449: Solving the DROP TABLE Dilemma

Quick workaround to error ORA-02449. When you want to drop and recreate an Oracle table, but Oracle does not let you do so due to foreign key references.

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Thumbnail image for Why the SQL WITH clause is not exactly like a function definition

Why the SQL WITH clause is not exactly like a function definition

SQL WITH clause appears similar in concept to a function definition in procedural code, but it differs in an important way in older Oracle versions. The error ORA-32035: unreferenced query name defined in WITH clause informs you about this difference.

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Thumbnail image for ORA-06592: CASE_NOT_FOUND Exception

ORA-06592: CASE_NOT_FOUND Exception

Though CASE behaves like IF-THEN-ELSE, it differs in one important way – CASE requires a defined leg for each scenario. If an undefined leg is chosen, the exception ORA-06592: CASE not found while executing CASE statement is raised.

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Thumbnail image for WHEN OTHERS THEN NULL


There is a time and place for using exception handlers in Oracle PL/SQL, but you must be extra-wary of the handler WHEN OTHERS THEN NULL. Here’s why.

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